The Story of a StepMom
She's grateful, humble, and strong. She's not mystified by what she signed on for, because she made a choice, and knew in her choosing this would be a difficult mountain to climb. She's aware of the loss and heartache that preceded her. Because there is no stepmom if the first fairy tale didn't end in heartache. She approaches this with grace, vulnerability, and empathy. She takes every step to build trust, knowing that trust isn't given quickly, and can be lost in an instant. She makes mistakes, but openly apologizes, and tries again. She loves with a different, new kind of love she's never experienced before. And she gives. Until there isn't much left. Sometimes she fades into the background. Sometimes she is forgotten. But she perseveres because she has faith. She believes she was put here for a reason. Not by accident or fate, but by purpose and design.
This is the story of the stepmom.
This is my story.
In 2018, my husband and I married and joined two separate families. He brought with him two sunshiny little girls, and I brought the best boy a mom could ask for. We read the books, prayed, consulted experts, but still felt lost in our blended family journey. I felt lost in my journey as a stepmom. I just wanted to know that someone, somewhere might be feeling like I was feeling.
After a year of seeking a community that I couldn’t find, I decided to build one - A Step in the Right Direction.
Here, I share our story. The funny, trying, and joy-filled experience of being a partner and a parent in a family that’s starting from somewhere in the middle. Since A Step in the Right Direction started, hundreds have shared their own experiences of being a parent, grandparent, or stepparent. We laugh a lot. Commiserate sometimes. And every once in awhile share a tear or two.
I invite you to follow our journey here or on social media!